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  • Seasons of Vivaldi
    Seasons of Vivaldi
    This cycle has a whole range of feelings - from a cheerful spring to a melancholy autumn, from a summer storm to winter evenings by a warm fireplace. Vivaldi's "Seasons" performed on violin and organ is always a win-win situation for a good evening!
  • Seasons of Vivaldi
    Seasons of Vivaldi
    This cycle has a whole range of feelings - from a cheerful spring to a melancholy autumn, from a summer storm to winter evenings by a warm fireplace. Vivaldi's "Seasons" performed on violin and organ is always a win-win situation for a good evening!
  • “Пори року” Вівальді
    “Пори року” Вівальді
    Цикл "Пори року" Антоніо Вівальді – справжній бестселер у світі музики. Почути його наживо ви можете у Львівському органному залі у виконанні скрипки та органа.
  • Європейська органна музика. Катерина Гажо
    Європейська органна музика. Катерина Гажо
    Європейська органна класика у виконанні солістки Закарпатської обласної філармонії Катерини Гажо зачарує вас красою і потужністю.
  • Seasons of Vivaldi
    Seasons of Vivaldi
    This cycle has a whole range of feelings - from a cheerful spring to a melancholy autumn, from a summer storm to winter evenings by a warm fireplace. Vivaldi's "Seasons" performed on violin and organ is always a win-win situation for a good evening!
  • Seasons of Vivaldi
    Seasons of Vivaldi
    This cycle has a whole range of feelings - from a cheerful spring to a melancholy autumn, from a summer storm to winter evenings by a warm fireplace. Vivaldi's "Seasons" performed on violin and organ is always a win-win situation for a good evening!
  • Seasons of Vivaldi
    Seasons of Vivaldi
    This cycle has a whole range of feelings - from a cheerful spring to a melancholy autumn, from a summer storm to winter evenings by a warm fireplace. Vivaldi's "Seasons" performed on violin and organ is always a win-win situation for a good evening!
  • Seasons of Vivaldi
    Seasons of Vivaldi
    This cycle has a whole range of feelings - from a cheerful spring to a melancholy autumn, from a summer storm to winter evenings by a warm fireplace. Vivaldi's "Seasons" performed on violin and organ is always a win-win situation for a good evening!
  • Музика Баха
    Музика Баха
    На концерті органіста Марка Новаковича почуйте вибрані твори Йоганна Себастьяна Баха, що звучатимуть на найбільшому історичному органі України.
  • Seasons of Vivaldi
    Seasons of Vivaldi
    This cycle has a whole range of feelings - from a cheerful spring to a melancholy autumn, from a summer storm to winter evenings by a warm fireplace. Vivaldi's "Seasons" performed on violin and organ is always a win-win situation for a good evening!
  • Seasons of Vivaldi
    Seasons of Vivaldi
    This cycle has a whole range of feelings - from a cheerful spring to a melancholy autumn, from a summer storm to winter evenings by a warm fireplace. Vivaldi's "Seasons" performed on violin and organ is always a win-win situation for a good evening!
  • Seasons of Vivaldi
    Seasons of Vivaldi
    This cycle has a whole range of feelings - from a cheerful spring to a melancholy autumn, from a summer storm to winter evenings by a warm fireplace. Vivaldi's "Seasons" performed on violin and organ is always a win-win situation for a good evening!
  • Seasons of Vivaldi
    Seasons of Vivaldi
    This cycle has a whole range of feelings - from a cheerful spring to a melancholy autumn, from a summer storm to winter evenings by a warm fireplace. Vivaldi's "Seasons" performed on violin and organ is always a win-win situation for a good evening!
  • Seasons of Vivaldi
    Seasons of Vivaldi
    This cycle has a whole range of feelings - from a cheerful spring to a melancholy autumn, from a summer storm to winter evenings by a warm fireplace. Vivaldi's "Seasons" performed on violin and organ is always a win-win situation for a good evening!
  • Seasons of Vivaldi
    Seasons of Vivaldi
    This cycle has a whole range of feelings - from a cheerful spring to a melancholy autumn, from a summer storm to winter evenings by a warm fireplace. Vivaldi's "Seasons" performed on violin and organ is always a win-win situation for a good evening!
  • Відкриття виставки  “Репресовані голоси” Гліба Рахманіна
    Відкриття виставки  “Репресовані голоси” Гліба Рахманіна
    Виставка “Репресовані голоси” зображає багатогранність репресій у суспільстві – не лише в політичному або правовому контексті, але й у культурному, соціальному та психологічному.
  • Seasons of Vivaldi
    Seasons of Vivaldi
    This cycle has a whole range of feelings - from a cheerful spring to a melancholy autumn, from a summer storm to winter evenings by a warm fireplace. Vivaldi's "Seasons" performed on violin and organ is always a win-win situation for a good evening!
  • Виставка “Репресовані голоси” Гліба Рахманіна
    Виставка “Репресовані голоси” Гліба Рахманіна
    Виставка “Репресовані голоси” зображає багатогранність репресій у суспільстві – не лише в політичному або правовому контексті, але й у культурному, соціальному та психологічному.
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